National Burn Awareness Week – Fire Safety Plans
🔥It’s Burn Awareness Week. #NBAW 🔥
Let’s talk Fire Safety Plans.
Did you know that Fire Safety Plans are a requirement in the Alberta Fire Safety Code?
There are multiple different types of fire safety plans that may be required, depending on your scope of work, products handled / stored, and even the height of the building.
There are specific contents required in a Fire Safety Plan, these include, but are not limited to:
1. The emergency procedures to be carried out in case of fire, including
(a) sounding the firm alarm
(b) notifying the fire department
(c) instructing occupants on the procedures to be followed when the fire alarm sounds
(d) evacuating occupants, including special provisions for persons requiring assistance, and
(e) confining, controlling and extinguishing the fire
2. The appointment and organization of designated supervisory staff to carry out fire safety duties
3. The training of supervisory staff and other occupants on their responsibilities as regards fire safety
4. The type, location and operation of the building fire emergency system, including diagrams
5. The holding of fire drills
6. The measures for controlling fire hazards in and around the building, and
7. the inspection and maintenance of building facilities provided for the safety of occupants
⚠️The fire safety plan may provide important information to the fire department for use in the preparation of plans for firefighting procedures in specific buildings. This is especially true for buildings where flammable or combustible liquids or other dangerous goods are stored.