What makes a well-rounded HSE Professional?
What makes a #WellRounded #HSE #Professional ?
What should we know as professionals? Over the last few years, I have encountered numerous persons who call themselves “professionals”; however, when I talk with them, many seem to have blinders on that our lives as OH&S professionals live solely in Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Take a minute to look at the graphic… as a safety professional, it is my job to understand the regulatory requirements for my clients, and explain these requirements to them in a way that they understand.
This doesn’t stop at OH&S.
We must have a robust knowledge of so many different regulatory aspects that affect employers, and, to be frank, I feel like there are still many organizations out there that think safety is still something they can toss over to the front desk staff and call it a day, or better yet, give it to the quality person (because they don’t have enough on their plate).
I am proud to be able to understand the workings of all these different regulations, acts and codes. I am proud to say that if my client has an issue, or I see something that needs attention, that I can find legislation to show an employer where this is a law.
It is imperative as professionals that we take a moment to remove the blinders of OH&S and realize that, at any time, a building inspector can show up, the fire inspector may walk through the door, our entire fleet could get a Stop Drive Order if we aren’t keeping accurate driver records, and our employers could pay up to 200% in surcharges if WCB claims are handled poorly.
Food for thought. As someone who has dedicated the last 14 years of my life to safety, I just wanted to remind everyone that “safety” isn’t easy, and when looking for a safety professional or safety consultant, make sure your business protects themselves by finding one that knows what they’re talking about.
#safety #health #healthandsafety #safetyprofessional #safetyconsultant #themoreyouknow